Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

Bauble necklace DIYWe're loving bright pops of color this season! In this next D.I.Y. project you'll learn to make a trendy bauble necklace in any colors you choose! These necklaces are easy to wear with casual and dressy outfits. Enjoy..
Wood bead necklace stepsSupplies Needed: Craft Paint (choose any colors you fancy! We went with mint, grey, pumpkin and neon pink), Gloss We used DecoArt Triple Thick Gloss Glaze as our top coat (this glaze is our secret weapon for giving these beads a polished look!), raw wood beads, leather cord or chain (long enough to slip over your head) and scissors. 1. Paint your beads with two coats of paint. Allow beads to dry between each coat. 2. After the paint has dried, Use the gloss to add an extra coat of shine to your beads. 3. String the beads. We had a difficult time threading the leather cord through the beads, so we added a little tape to the end of the cord to make it more sturdy for treading. Super simple, no? Best part is, you can make necklaces for you and your friends in an afternoon! 
Handmade Bauble NecklaceHandmade Bauble NecklaceChoose colors that compliment your personality and wardrobe! I think I need a yellow necklace too.... xo. elsie

sumber : http://www.abeautifulmess.com/2012/06/handmade-bauble-necklace-how-to.html

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